Some of you know , I have been assiduously investing my time and energy in Ladakh. 11,500 feet above sea level in the pious Himalayas since 2010. I now witness with tourism and development , a lot has changed. I tend to disturb myself with rise of rapid development with cell towers, hotels and incessant breaking of mountains. Ladakh is a sensitive terrain , my association with the terrain began in 2010 , when I was just visiting to learn more about Buddhism and holistic living. I was protected enough to leave Leh two days before the floods hit Ladakh and washed out all trees , buildings , children and people displaced. One of the reasons touted by climate change experts was excessive use of western toilets built in hotels, most Ladakhi youth shifting towards building hotels for mainstream tourism , all this development suddenly after Bollywood discovered Ladakh with 3 Idiots starring Aamir Khan , however when the floods hit Ladakh , he was very helpful , paid a visit to Ladakh and provided them relief. Some of you know , I have played a significant role in the development of Ladakh’s first eco model village Takmachik. This village lost all its apricot trees in the floods during 2010. Since then , the villagers immersed themselves in deep thought and dialogue with Buddhist leaders. People living in remote regions in the mountains living so closely with nature , they understand these dynamics more and are inherently eco positive.

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